გამოწერისთვის, გაიარეთ ავტორიზაცია
ვაკანსიის გამოწერისთვის, გთხოვთ გაიაროთ ავტორიზაცია

ჩემი კომპანიები

კომპანიის დამატება

ვერ მოიძებნა

C# Developer

SlataDoc საკონტრაქტო დისტანციური
0 ₾ - 3,000 ₾
13 Nov - 13 Dec
განათლების გარეშე
ინგლისური, ქართული

Genii Systems LLC is pleased to announce vacancy for the position of a C# Developer.

Genii Systems LLC is an AI powered startup, creating software for legal professionals.

We offer:

  • Full remote, part-time, flexible schedule.

We require:

  • C#
  • .Net Framework 4.8.1
  • Visual Studio Tools for Office 4.0
  • Experience with AWS SDK
  • Experience with Git
  • Experience of SOLID principles

The interested candidates should send their CVs to the following email: vacancy@slatadoc.com
Please, indicate the vacancy name – "C# Developer" in the subject of the email.

Note: By sending CV to the email indicated in this announcement the candidate agrees that his/her data, including personal data as stipulated by Georgian Law on "Protection of Personal Data", will be processed and checked against qualification criteria of the position. In addition, Genii Systems LLC is entitled to store and process the sent data for one year after receiving the data.


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